by Hari | Apr 25, 2013 | Blog
We have defined Happiness as being contextually influenced state of well-being. We have called out 6 contexts to be happy that will cover 80% or more of our activities of daily living. Now lets combine the two and see what we get for Perfect Happiness. Perfect happiness is Happiness that has all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.
By derivation from a perfect life Imperfect life could be one either not having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics and if it did have all the required or desirable elements, qualities or characteristics then its not as good as it is possible to be OR a combination of both.
So the question is how do you fill in all the gaps in elements or possibilities…and make it whole…?
One could think of doing this if one knew how much i am exceeding in some element and how much i have a shortfall in another, and knowing how one could ‘transfer’ the excess into the shortfall and make it whole..
by Hari | Apr 24, 2013 | Blog
Lets now move on to what is the definition of Happiness. defines Happiness as a state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. What my research shows is that Happiness is contextual and you can acheive happiness that looks different in different situations or circumstances. So it is important to define what might be some of the most significant circumstances in our lives so we hit the big 80.
Several researchers have sought to identify aspects of our life to know what are the significant ways we use out time, places we frequent, things we do, how we perceive what we sense, how we view the need for money etc. By and large some common themes appear. These aspects can be chunked up broadly into are our social circumstances, our financial circumstances, our physical circumstance, our mental circumstance and our environmental circumstance. A newly evolving circumstance is our spiritual circumstance. Circumstance is a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action or fact that causes or helps to cause something to happen, typically something undesirable
by Hari | Apr 23, 2013 | Blog
Now lets move to perfect life..taking the definition of perfect earlier a ‘Perfect life is a life having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. Who decides what the required or desirable elements are–the answer is YOU. Who would know what is possible. Again the answer is –YOU. But you need to know how to know because often we revise our assessment of what is possible if we get someone to coach or mentor us..Right?
by Hari | Apr 22, 2013 | Blog
How can people living imperfect lives achieve perfect happiness? there are several terms that need defining here before this question can be answered. What is the definition of happiness, what is the definition of perfect Happiness, is it even definable? what is a perfect or imperfect life. what is the definition of the adjective ‘perfect’…
Lets start with the last–
The adjective Perfect is defined in the Merriam-Webster and dictionaryOnline as paragraphs..not a phrase..Google defines it as Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. What is possible for one may not be the case for the other. Hence perfect is relative and there can be many interpretations of perfect..all perfectly perfect!
by Hari | Apr 21, 2013 | Blog
Here’s my story– i was let go after 2 years into Telecom consulting as a Senior Consultant in HP. The news came abruptly with no fore-warning. I was in the office on 22 AUG 2001 9.00am and was discharged from HP at 11am. Hardly a consolation that 600plus employees on the Singapore site lost their jobs on that day.
I was without a paying job for 12 months. For those who recall, that was the year of the bust. That whole period the top earner in my family of 2 kids and my wife was my then 9 year old daughter. She won a singing competition and got a S$ 35 award. A small group of colleagues stuck with me to become my life-long brothers, not just friends. Exactly one year later i was hired by a great guy called Paul Anthony into IPG. I was hired as a contract worker. I am eternally thankful to him and the leadership team who allowed me to grow from there on to being a people manager in 7 years. I left IPG as the HP-Canon Alliance Supplies Manager LES GBU to answer my higher calling i.e. corporate training, focussing on Sales, Leadership and Wellness. What i learnt from that experience was knowing how to manage a family in tough times. Its possible with some savings, never-say-die attitude, patience and loving and understanding friends and family.