Act on Environmental Wellness (E-Wellness) 101

Act on Environmental Wellness (E-Wellness) 101

Recently farmers in Indonesia set alight large swathes of forest land in order to clear the land for expanding palm oil plantations.  The result was an environmental hazard for not just some fellow Indonesians, but for all people in the neighboring Republics of Singapore and some cities in Malaysia.

How it should be:

View from flyer_clear

For days this week the Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) hovered between 100+ to 400+.  Singapore’s worst environmental crisis in more than a decade saw acrid smoke seep into people’s homes.

How it is:

View from flyer_hazy

Pic Courtesy: Straits Times

Environmental wellness is often under valued.  How important is the air we breathe? How often do we even stop and think and feel grateful for the excellent quality of air that Mother Nature has bestowed on us.

This is a good time to bring home the value and importance of environmental wellness and make it touch down in our individual private lives.  At we defined Environmental Wellness as  “Environmental wellness is a state in which a person realizes the need to alter his/her dwellings of work and living to bring about harmony and efficiency in a way that does not pollute other people’s environment and utilizes environmental wellness to drive his/her other wellness dimensions.”

If every individual were to adopt the above definition in the way they go about their lives, would it have prevented the situation that we started out this post with?  Wouldn’t it have automatically encouraged innovative thinking on the part of the farmers who are slashing and burning forests and their keepers for years now?  The current happenings can serve as a good way to appreciate why the way to view Environmental Wellness the way we do, is so special.

Creating financial wellness by burning trees in a way that results in stealing an unrelated individual (in the case whole cities of millions of people)’s Environmental Wellness, will be disallowed if people followed the wellness principles stipulated in @ By allowing slash and burn to happen year after year, every time it happens, you can see the negative impact on not just the obvious environmental Wellness dimension of Singaporeans and Malaysians, but its negative impact on other wellness dimensions such as their social, physical and mental dimensions!  These are our Wealths, our WELLths!

How true is that? How can that be? check out these: Air pollution strains IndonesiaSingapore relations – Channel 4 News ,  Singapore Haze Craze Lights a Fire on Social Media – Yahoo!

Take the goholisticwellnessTeller(c) assessment and get a snapshot of how WELLthy you are today.


Call to Action:

1. Recall the activities you indulged in in the recent past to improve your Environmental Well-Being and check to see if in doing so anyone else unconnected with your Environmental Wellness was adversely affected.

2. Plan any future EWellness pursuits to be executed in a way that does not impact another’s. By doing so see your Social, Mental and physical Wellness also benefit, from this simple act.