How to beat adversity before adversity beats you

How to beat adversity before adversity beats you

How to beat adversity before adversity beats you

The Singapore National Library recently invited me to deliver a talk on the subject with relatively short notice. It was a great privilege to deliver this talk at the Central Public library here in Singapore. A greater privilege to be speaking to an audience of professionals taken from a wide range of domains and industry from academia to real estate to IT management and sales. I am both grateful and deeply honored by their attendance.

In an earlier post there was a quote from Gallup stating ‘Mere transactions between managers and employees are not enough to maximize engagement. Employees value communication from their manager not just about their roles and responsibilities but also about what happens in their lives outside of work. The Gallup study reveals that employees who feel as though their manager is invested in them as people are more likely to be engaged.

My answer as a people manager and a managed employee is – most managers don’t have the social skills, training or tools to do justice to this important communication opportunity. i.e. curiosity about what you do outside of work. All the more reason i applaud the folks which by the way included a bright young student studying to be a radiographer and her professionally engaged parents. One of the reasons i agreed to speak at this venue was to because it was Friday evening and i could get people to attend it right after work with no incentives to attend besides a genuine curiosity. Below are a sample of the feedback and Learnings some of them got. The two numbers in the end are ‘Overall score’ and ‘How likely are you to recommend’

  • I learnt from this seminar to balance life in 6 dimension. . Its utmost important. 10 10
  • The ways to overcome prevent adversity. It is within our control. Constant Reframe 8 8
  • It has widened our hoizon and the scientific way of measuring ourselves 9 9
  • More structured way to address each of the 6 dimensons . May not be known to me 9 10
  • I’ve learnt what are the 6 dimensions in life that can affect and influence me. Throught this I managed to realize where my areas of strengths and weaness lies, and I believe this will help me improve my life greatly 9 9
  • Giving us a clarity on the breakdown of the dimensions and allow us to measure 9 10
  • Entire concept and exercises were very valuable 10 10
  • Knowing what are my strengths and weakness 8 8
  • INTERESTING APPROACH- emphasises holistic wellness. Made me realize that in the long term should look at all dimensions always 10 9
  • Understand adversity. Well prepared presentation

Hence i am both grateful and deeply honored by their attendance.

Message me if you’d like to run a workshop for you and your staff on this topic in your organization.

Best wishes in your pursuit towards resilience and happy engagement at work and play!

Gurunath Hari is the author of “The 6 Dimensions, Overcome Presenteeism: Excel in work and Life”. He has over 25 years of corporate experience, including leadership and management roles. His working life started at the end of the pre-computer era and continues to the present ‘everything-mobile’ era.