Our Services
Laser-focused on helping leaders working within their own corporate cultures to create great workplaces for their employees
We leverage cutting edge research to help you know what distinguishes best companies’ efforts in creating great workplaces.Advisory Services
Emineo Pursuits employs world class consulting frameworks to provide advisory services on
Improving employee Wellbeing on 6 Dimensions
Edenred is a 10,000 employee French company specialized in prepaid corporate services
PEAKISM™ Holistic Wellness assessment Suite, data analytics, debrief and recommended follow-ups
Employee Holistic Wellbeing raised. Awareness increased Organization Wellness Index provided for follow-up action at individual levels.
Deep personal insight and roadmap to change behaviours
Raising the Holistic wellbeing of officers in the Services
The Indian Army is the world’s second-largest military force and is the world’s fifth-most powerful military.
PEAKISM™ Holistic Wellness assessment, debrief, one-to-one coaching and recommended follow-ups
The GOC-in-C of 20 Mountain Division recognized that there was significant blind spot among officers and cadre on their holistic well-being and wanted to proactively address it.
Deep personal insight and roadmap to change behaviors. One-to-one coaching gave new clarity and purpose to senior officer upto the rank of Maj Gen to regain intrinsic motivation
The 6 Dimensions

Financial wellness
is a pursuit in which a person has learnt to live within his/her means and utilizes his/her earnings in ways that builds financial non-dependence and financially drives to contribute to his/her other dimensions of wellness

Spiritual wellness
is a pursuit in which a person realizes the need to connect with a higher source of energy and is driven to regulate his/her life to achieve a sustained pursuit of bliss

Physical Wellness
is a pursuit in which a person is pain-free and free of any underlying or overlying disease and physically drives to contribute to his/her other dimensions of wellness

Environmental wellness
is a pursuit in which a person realizes the need to alter his/her dwellings of work and living to bring about harmony and efficiency in a way that does not pollute other people’s environment and utilizes environmental wellness to drive his/her other wellness dimensions.

Mental Wellness
is a pursuit in which a person is happy, stress free and has realized the need to be able to think of the brighter side of life even when challenged with adversity and mentally drives to contribute to his/her other dimensions of wellness.

Social Wellness
is a pursuit in which a person realizes the need to contribute to the holistic wellness of his/her friends and family and is free of malice towards one and all. He/she socially drives to contribute to the other dimensions of wellness