Hello all my friends,
I hope you are enjoying a great day! As many of you know I worked very hard to publish my book, and launched it through Amazon as a Kindle product as well. I appreciate all the help and support you have all shown me along this journey.
I have just one more goal I would ask you to help me achieve…A Bestseller’s Distinction!
My book went on sale 20 July, 2016. Please take a minute out of your day, and for the price of a coffee, pick up the Kindle version of my book “The 6 Dimensions: Overcome Presenteeism: Excel In Work And Life – Powerful New Ways To Know What’s Stopping You And Do What It Takes To Get Ahead” by clicking any one of these 5 countries’ Amazon links that’s most convenient to you for an instant download.
US : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SCRMWCC
UK : http://tinyurl.com/T6DUK
Japan : http://tinyurl.com/T6DJP
India : http://tinyurl.com/T6DIN
Canada : http://tiny.cc/T6D
With a little help from you I hope to make the bestsellers list.
I appreciate your help and support, and want to thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart!
Warmest regards,
Gurunath Hari
“This book very effectively uses presenteeism as a springboard to confront corporate wellness in a sophisticated yet practical manner”
Gary Johns (PhD, Wayne State) Professor, Department of Management, Concordia UniversityResearch Chair in ManagementAuthor of Presenteeism in the Workplace: A Review and Research
“Presenteeism is even a more costly problem for business than absenteeism, and this book helps to understand what an individual can do to overcome it and get better work-life balance”
Prof. Sir Cary L. Cooper, CBE Distinguished Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health Manchster University Management School, England, and Co author of Wellbeing: Productivity and Happiness at Work.
“Hari offers a practical and meaningful solution that is applicable to everyone in today’s challenging workplace. By addressing the growing problem of Presenteeism, companies can use Hari’s insights to make a positive change and gain the benefits of fully engaged employees”.
John R. Myers, President and CEO of the TRACOM Groupco-author of SOCIAL STYLE:The Ah Ha’s of Effective Relationships